

Should God Expect Less?

Should God Expect Less?

By Paul R. Blake

            We as a nation have certain expectations of our government. We pay taxes with the expectation that the government will use those funds honestly. We expect our leaders to protect the civilian population from military oppressors and to render assistance to our friends. We respect and comply with civil law, and expect our government to punish those who do not. We require fairness in government, and we want our judges to render consistent verdicts. We expect our leaders to be examples for the rest of the population, living above reproach and scandal.

            However, we have come to the point where we will settle for much less than we expect. We pay taxes knowing full well that some of those funds are going to be misused or given away to undeserving, mismanaged corporations and to persons who refuse honest labor. We witnessed our executive branch of government eviscerate the military and ignore the suffering of our international friends. Though we obey the laws, we know that many others will not, and that our judges will not punish the wicked and violent. Though we treat others with fairness, we continually see judges and political leaders treat special interest groups and outspoken minorities with blatant partiality. To cap it off, we have government leaders who used their office to fornicate, steal from tax payers, cheat in business, and to tell lies. We now expect less from our government even though we have given up much more of our time, money, and rights to it.

            But before we get to feeling self-righteous toward civil government, we need to ask ourselves whether or not God has come to expect less of you and me than He once expected in the past. Some professed Christians seem to think so, or at least, they certainly are giving Him less than He expects.

            God outlined His expectations for His children in His word (2Tim. 3:14-17). He expects His children to be honest stewards of what He has given them, using their means wisely that they might have somewhat to give to the church and to the needy. He expects His children, in their capacity as the Lord's army, to fight valiantly against sin and to gather in souls for the Kingdom. He expects His children to respect all of His laws without partiality, including the commands to study and assemble. God expects His children to live above the immorality of the world, setting an example of purity and quality of character.

            Yet based upon the examples of some, God simply must lower His expectations. We have become addicted to the “good life” of materialism and must work extra hours to pay for it; so, God must expect to see less of us at worship and Bible classes. We maintain high debt and must pay our bills, so God must expect less in the collection plate. We have little time or interest in Bible study at home or at services, and therefore are unprepared to do battle with sin and are poor soldiers in soul winning skirmishes. God will simply have find others more capable and get used to expecting fewer victories on the front lines. We live in an amoral world full of constantly shifting values, and we have absorbed the world's attitudes toward evil. God is just going to have to accept our garments of white with a few yellow stains and dingy gray collars. He really doesn't expect us to be an example that will lead the lost to Christ. God may have to revise what He wants of the 21st century Christian and learn to expect less. Nonsense!

            In Psalm 50:16-23, God upbraids His children of Israel by asking, "What right do you have to declare my statutes or take my covenant into your mouth?" He tells them that they have been involved in thievery, adultery, dishonesty, and gossip, and He says, "These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought that I was... like you. But I will reprove you... consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces... To him that orders his conduct aright, I will show the salvation of God." God is not going to accept less, because He said He was not going to accept less (Luke 17:10; 1Peter 4:18; Heb. 12:1-4; Rom. 12:1-2; Luke 14:15-24; 2Tim. 3:1-5; Titus 1:16, 3:8; Matt. 7:21-23; 1Cor. 15:58).

            God is neither going to expect less nor accept less from us than our all. May we become wise to this fact before another week passes. May we live up to God's expectations rather than hoping that He will lower His expectations of what He wants of us. Pray for the strength to become more than just a name on a membership roster. Study to develop a head full of Bible knowledge and a heart filled with the wisdom of God. And then walk, not like the weak and worldly, but rather like our Savior Jesus Christ. (Originally written 1994)

Life Is Not Extinguished Forever

            Unbelievers state that life is like the burning of a candle. When the wick burns all the way to the bottom, and the dwindling flame flickers out, it is as if the light of the candle had never been; it is gone forever. They suggest that when we breathe our last, we are totally extinguished as if we had never been. British writer Arthur Porritt describes how atheist Charles Bradlaugh was buried:

            “No prayer was said at the grave. Indeed, not a single word was uttered. The remains, placed in a light coffin, were lowered into the grave quite unceremoniously, as if carrion were being hustled out of sight. I came away heart frozen, realizing how that the loss of faith in the continuity of the human personality after death gives death an appalling victory.”

            Life is not extinguished forever. “Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began, but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (1Tim. 1:8-10). “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?’” (John 11:25-26)

On the Nature of Criminals

            “Criminality and brutality are not an inevitable inheritance from some theoretical bestial forebears. Each of us is capable of cruelty, but many of us, most indeed, do not succumb to that urge. Despite poverty or provocation, society is not lawless, only the worst are given to base instincts. Be it greed, or covetousness, or lust, the mind of the murderer it is formed in increments. It takes shape when someone decides to walk that dark path. Yet others, with far greater reason, turn away.” (Lisa Donckers, “Professor T: A Fish Called Walter”)

A Moments Wisdom

--The future is that time when you will wish you had done what you are not doing now.

--Truth already exists; only falsehood has to be invented.

--Whoever dares to teach must never cease to learn.

--A single rose for the living is better than the costliest wreath for the dead.

--Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don’t.

--If you want to get ahead, make sure you use the one you already have.

--There are two ways of spreading light: being the lamp or the mirror that reflects it.

--When we die, we leave behind all that we have and take with us all that we are.

--Great trials seem to be necessary preparations for great duties.

--Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

--The only way to honorably settle a disagreement is on the basis of what is right, not who is right.

--Sorrow looks down, worry looks around, faith looks up.

Upcoming Sermons

1/5/25 AM - “All Things are Ready; Come to the Feast!”; PM - Worship in Song: Choice of Songs

1/12/25 AM - Agents of Salvation; PM - Growing Up With Tares

1/19/25 AM - “Just Don’t Tell the Preacher”; PM - Discerning the Will of God

1/26/25 AM - Unbelievers and Judgment Day; PM - Bridging the Generation Gap in churches of Christ

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    1/15/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    1/19/25 09:30am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    1/19/25 10:30am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    1/19/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/22/25 07:00pm
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