Our History

Our History

  The church in Trilacoochee had its beginning at Clay Sink, Fl., in June of 1947. Clay Sink is about 8 miles east of Trilacoochee. Several ladies, at the encouragement of Mrs. Nettie Boyett, began having Bible classes on Sunday afternoons. The ladies met in a barn and sat on boxes and boards set across concrete blocks. After meeting there for several months, the group moved into a vacant house. In May 1949, they began worshiping in an old Army barrack on an acre of land leased from the government. This group grew to approximately 20 members.

  By 1950, several of the members were moving away and it was decided to move the meeting place to Trilacoochee; where more people could be reached with the gospel. Another small group of Christians had started meeting there and one of the ladies, Mrs. Addie Causey, offered to provide two lots on which to erect a building if the Clay Sink group would agree to move. In 1952, Floyd Boyett moved the building from Clay Sink to Trilacoochee and all members of both groups began meeting there regularly on March 30, 1952. This was done with Frank Andrews holding a 10 day meeting.

  During 1953, through 1955, meetings were held with Byron Conley of Bartow, James R. Cope of Tampa, Jack Horton of Floral City and O.E. Moss; with approximately 12 being baptized. In 1956, Ronald Henderson began preaching on Sundays. Charles Whorton followed Ronald on Sundays and in February 1958, Colin Williamson began full-time work. The work and the group continued growing numerically and spiritually. In December 1958, James P. Miller of Tampa held a three night Tent Meeting with more than 120 attending the first night and attendance averaging 90 for the three nights.

  Over the years, wear and use had taken its toll on the old barracks building and the decision was made to build a new building. One of the members gave a piece of land to allow a new building to be erected that was only one mile south of their present building on U.S. 301. A new concrete building was started in 1960 and, with most of the work being completed by the members, was finished in 1964. The first services were held here the first Lord's day of 1965. The church has met here to the present time. Around 1977, five new classrooms were added with the members doing almost all of the work.

  In 1978, three men were recognized as elders to oversee the work of the church: Douglas Black, Jim Cooper and Jimmy Johnson. The church continued to prosper spiritually during this time. Full time preachers have been supported from 1958 to the present; as well as numerous preachers in other states and lands helped by these faithful brethren.

  Today the church at Trilacoochee is led by six elders: Steve Melton, Larry Winn, Scott Black, Sam Cooper, Dennis Kenaston, and Paul Blake. There are three deacons who are very active in their service in the Lord for this congregation: Terrell Boyett, Tom Weatherly, and John Krenzelok.

Evangelists for the church at Trilacoochee

J.M. Allen ~ 1952 - 1956

Ronald Henderson ~ 1956 - early 1957

Charles Whorton ~ 1957 - early 1958

Colin Williamson ~ 1958 - 1960

Calvin Allen ~ 1960 - 1961

Alton Elliot ~ 1961 - 1963

Norman McDonald ~ 1964 - 1965

Clyde Brannan ~ 1965 - 1969

Jim Daniel ~ 1969 - 1975

Paul Brock ~ 1975 - 1981

Don Hastings ~1982 - 1985

David West ~ 1986 - 1995

Dale Garrison ~ 1995 - June 2001

David Beckley ~ Summer 2002

Jesse Flowers ~ 2003 - 2008

Bob Waldron ~ 2008 - 2016

Andy Brenton ~ 2015 - Summer 2018

Paul R. Blake ~ November 2018 - Present

  1. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/15/25 07:00pm
  2. Sun AM Bible Study
    1/19/25 09:30am
  3. Sun AM Worship
    1/19/25 10:30am
  4. Sun PM Worship
    1/19/25 05:00pm
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    1/22/25 07:00pm
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