

The Man Who Wouldn't Go Away

The Man Who Wouldn’t Go Away

By Ken Weliever

            On the day after Jesus’ death, it looked as if whatever small mark He left on the world would rapidly disappear. Instead, His impact on human history has been unparalleled.” These are the opening words by John Ortberg in his book “Who is this Man?” This was a father’s day present from my daughter and son-in-law. It’s going to be a good one!

            Ortberg asserts that most people’s impact and influence on the world begin to decline as soon as they die. If they do leave a great legacy, they already had developed an enormous reputation. Jesus life and death was different.

            On the Friday Jesus died, His movement appeared to have failed. His followers were scattered. Scared. And shrouded in secret hiding places. As Ortberg put it, “If there were a kind of “Most Likely to Posthumously Succeed” award given on the day of death to history’s most influential people, Jesus would have come in dead last.”

            Consider Friday’s list of failures. Jesus died broke. Homeless. And all alone. He never married and had no children. He never attended college. He never wrote a book. He never commanded an army. He never succeed in business. And he never was elected to public office. Jesus never did anything like political leaders do ensure his legacy. There are no original paintings of Jesus. Or statues. Or busts. He personally never had anything named after himself. In short, the day Jesus died he had never achieved any of the things that people associate with success. Greatness. And lasting fame. Yet, three days later things began to change. Quickly. Uniquely. And dramatically. Jesus arose from the grave! He overcame death. Defeated the devil. And resurrected hope in His dispirited disciples. There’s no denying it!   Witnesses confirm it. History records it. And changed lives demonstrate it.

            His name and message began to be preached fifty days later. First at Jerusalem. Then in Judea. Samaria. And throughout the Roman Empire. All kinds of people were converted. Men and women founded equality in Christ. Jews and Gentiles were joined together as one. Masters and slaves became spiritual peers. Even Jesus’ most ardent enemy, Saul of Tarsus, turned from being a persecutor to a proclaimer of Jesus!

            Today every facet of our lives is impacted by Jesus. Art. Literature. History. Poetry. Sculpture. Theater.  And even movies! His name has influenced the names of our hospitals. Towns. And missions. Libraries are filled with books about Him. Museums display artifacts relating to His era. The influence of the Son of Man is everywhere! “The name of Jesus was “not so much written as ploughed into the history of this world,” once wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.

            In his sermon “The Real Jesus,” James Allen Francis said:

“Nineteen centuries have come and gone

And today Jesus is the central figure of the human race

And the leader of mankind’s progress

All the armies that have ever marched

All the navies that have ever sailed

All the parliaments that have ever sat

All the kings that ever reigned put together

Have not affected the life of mankind on earth

As powerfully as that one solitary life.”

            Still today through His Word and the preaching of His Gospel He is ever-present. Probing our souls. Touching our hearts. Calling to our consciences. And He is coming back again to receive the redeemed and take them back to His home in heaven. Indeed, He is the Man who won’t go away!

Does The Bag Of Your Life Have A Hole In The Bottom?

By Jason Hardin

            Ever had a pair of pants with a hole in one of the pockets? Each time you put those pants on and place your hand in the pocket, you remember. And then you rationalize that it’s not that big of a deal. There are other, more pressing things. It’ll be alright. You’ll remember. Until you absentmindedly drop some coins, or a pen, or a check, or your keys into that same pocket.

            Pockets with holes are annoying! (Can you tell I’ve lost more than one item through a hole in a pocket?) But did you know that God, through his prophet Haggai, used that same everyday idea to make a vital spiritual point?

            “Then the word of the Lord came by the hand of Haggai the prophet, ‘Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins? Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes’” (Haggai 1:3-6).

            Though we live in a different era and a different context, it is still wise (and essential) to “consider our ways” in relation to our priorities, actions, and reactions to the revelation of our Creator. Will those things that I’m pouring into the “bag” of my life “abide forever” (1John 2:15-17)? I brought nothing into this world, and I cannot take anything with me (1Tim. 6:6-8), but am I living life as if I believe those facts? This sermon emphasizes four major life lessons as defined by the God who created us:

            One - Life outside of Christ is a bag with holes (Rom. 8:31-32).

            Two - Life that revolves around me is a bag with holes (Matt. 16:24-26).

            Three - Life without the kingdom of God first is a bag with holes (Matt. 6:33).

            Four - Life without treasures in heaven is a bag with holes (Matt. 6:19-20).

            You’re pouring a lot of things into your life. But will they last? Does the “bag” of your life have a hole in the bottom? And if so, isn’t it time that you did something about it?

Test Your Bible Knowledge of Job

1. Who was Jeremiah’s trusted scribe? __________

2. Who was the king that cut and burned the scroll sent to him by Jeremiah? __________

3. Which of the “minor” prophets wrote a book asking questions of God, rather than the people? ________

4. The king who tried to reform Judah, but it was too late? __________

5. Where was Jeremiah imprisoned? __________

6. Who facilitated his release? __________

Upcoming Sermons

8/8/21   AM - Let Us Rise Up and Rebuild, Part One; PM - What is “the World”?

8/15/21 AM - Let Us Rise Up and Rebuild, Conclusion; PM - Joash Stored the Oil

8/22/21 AM - “Stand”; PM - “Your Statutes Have Been My Songs”

8/29/21 AM - “Please Pray for Me”; PM - God is Still on His Throne: A Study of Trust

9/5/21   AM - What I Want to Say to God; PM - Monthly Singing Service (Congregational choice of songs)

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    9/22/24 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    9/22/24 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    9/22/24 05:00pm
  4. Wed PM Bible Study
    9/25/24 07:00pm
  5. Sun AM Bible Study
    9/29/24 09:30am
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