Online Bible Course

Online Bible Course


Know Your Bible online is a Six Lesson Course based on the "Know Your Bible" Correspondence Course created by Gene Tope. The purpose of the course is to help the Bible student gain a better understanding of God's Word and to encourage obedience to the Gospel. We ask you that if you choose to start this course, you determine to complete all 6 lessons. That will help you gain the knowledge you need to have to appreciate what God has in store for you and your life. If you have any questions before, during or after taking this course please contact us.



Length: 30 minutes          Complexity: Easy

Many believe that the Bible cannot be understood. But God has given us the Bible for this very purpose. "Wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is" (Eph. 5:17). Even children can understand something of God's word. This lesson will help you get acquainted with the Bible. Click on the lesson image to download as a PDF.









Length: 30 minutes          Complexity: Easy

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Rom. 3:23). Thus the Bible states man's failure and unfitness before God. Every accountable person finds himself under sin's condemnation. It behooves every thinking person to pause and ask, "What is sin?" and "How can I be made free from sin's terrible punishment?" Click on the lesson image to download as a PDF.








Length: 35 minutes          Complexity: Easy

Of all the important questions of a lifetime, this one is the most important. My happiness here below and my eternal welfare depend on a correct answer to the question. It seems strange that the vast majority of mankind goes rushing madly through life giving little or no thought to the salvation of their souls. Click on the lesson image to download as a PDF.








Length: 35 minutes          Complexity: Easy

There is but one true church! This is the church we read of in the Bible. It is the church that was purchased by the blood of Christ (Acts 20:28) and started by the apostles. One must be in this church to be saved. It is these facts we wish to demonstrate to the student in this lesson as well as a study of worship in the early church. Click on the lesson image to download as a PDF.








Length: 35 minutes          Complexity: Easy

In lesson four we studied the church of the New Testament. We discovered that Christ had come to build the church and that the saved were added to it. We also saw that Christ built only one church and that every Christian in the first century was a member of that church. Today it is different! There are hundreds and hundreds of differing churches. Where did they all come from? Do they please God? In this lesson we will study what is denominationalism as well as what is the remedy for it. Click on the lesson image to download as a PDF.







Length: 35 minutes          Complexity: Easy

It seems strange that anyone would ever question the necessity of baptism in becoming a Christian. So much is said concerning this subject in the New Testament. Jesus said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matt. 28:18,19). In this last lesson we investigate the commandment of baptism, how it is to take place, why it is to take place, and what happens if you choose NOT to be baptized. Click on the lesson image to download as a PDF.




  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    10/27/24 09:30am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    10/27/24 10:30am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    10/27/24 05:00pm
  4. Wed PM Bible Study
    10/30/24 07:00pm
  5. Sun AM Bible Study
    11/3/24 09:30am
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