Does God Exist?

Does God Exist?

Is there a God?

Many have been persuaded by the scorn and mockery of unbelievers that there really is no credible evidence for believing in the existence of God.  In fact, there are those who believe that science provides irrefutable that God does not exist and that the Bible is nothing more than a collection of myths. However, evidence for the existence of God is not only credible, it’s overwhelming. It’s all around us. 

Who is God? Some think of God as a “life force” that drives events in this world, while others believe He is a personal being. And, of course, there are those who believe God is some fictional character that religious people have created to control and manipulate others with religion. However, we humans have a “spirit” – a mind – that part of us that thinks and reasons, and defines who and what we are. The spirit or mind of man could not have created itself, therefore it must have been created by God. Only a thinking being could create other thinking beings. To put it simply, we are created in the image of God. He is the all-powerful, all-knowing God who not only created us, but also created everything around us. 

These videos offer a glimpse into the treasure of overwhelming evidence proving that there is a God, and tell us about the character and personality of God – He loves, is kind, merciful, forgiving, righteous and just. He also desires to have a personal loving relationship with every human He creates – a relationship where He loves us, and we love Him in return.  For more information on the evidence of God’s existence and the reliability of the Bible, please visit: Apologetic Press

Is There A God?

Featuring: Kyle Butt, Apologetics Press

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Who Is God? 

Featuring: Kyle Butt, Apologetics Press

Produced By:


Where Is God? 

Featuring: Kyle Butt, Apologetics Press

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Truth Be Told – The Existence of God

Featuring: Kyle Butt, Apologetics Press

Produced By:

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